Announcements: Morning announcements broadcast via video daily. Mrs. Bothe helps our 4th graders deliver the daily announcements in the Frostwood Broadcast Room. KFWE.
Art Finalists: Top grade level art projects are selected throughout the year and displayed at the local Magness Orthodontics office (Frostwood family). Families and community members are given the opportunity to walk through the display and cast a vote on their favorites. Winners are awarded throughout the year.
Auction: Annual event hosted by the FWE PTA – used to raise funds to support teachers and students in our classrooms. Largest fundraising event for FWE.
Book Fair: Annual event held in September that offers a theme-based fun-filled week for students and several opportunities to come in and shop books, including Family Night, Dudes & Donuts and Teacher Wishlists.
Brick Sales: Opportunity to purchase each year, and leave your name on FWE campus!
Carnival: Annual event held in October to provide a fun-filled family event for students. Includes food, entertainment, games and more!
Dad’s Club: The Frostwood Dad’s Club supports the PTA and their events while providing an outlet for dads to meet each other through both service and social events. Annual membership.
Discovery Center/Science Labs: Science labs offer great educational opportunites for the students K-5th, and at times you may have the chance of volunteering and helping out.
Field Day: Annual event held that works closely with Health Fitness teachers to provide a fun, outdoor event filled with class colors, class relays, games, snacks and lots of fun! Get ready to dress your color!
- FWE: Frostwood Elementary.
- Grade Level Coffees: Hosted at the beginning of the year at neighorbood homes - informational coffees.
- Healthy Lifestyles/Wellness Week: A week of activities such as taste testing healthy foods, guest speakers to talk to students, and a wellness walk with parents to promote healthy lifestyles within our school and community.
- International Festival: Event held in spring celebrating Frostwood's cultural diversity. Includes two events: Parade of Nations where students dress up and represent different countries, and sing songs together as a school, as well as the International Festival which provides a passport to walk around and learn about different countries' traditions and foods (IFEST).
- Kindergarten Sight Word Celebration: A day of fun activities at school revolved around sight words.
- Kindergarten Talent Show: Annual event where the Kindergarten class gets to show off their talents individually or as a group to the school and their families.
- KSHAC: Kids School Health Advisory Committee. A group of students who work together to promote healthy lifestyles on the Frostwood Campus.
- Living Wax Museum: 3rd Graders get to participate in a living wax museum day where they choose an influential person to represent from history. Families are invited to come walk through the living wax museum and stop and "push" the button on each individual 3rd grader as they come to life and tell you who they are and what they have accomplished, while dressed to represent their character.
- Math Olympiad: A not-for-profit corporation dedicated to stimulating enthusiasm, fostering creativity, and strengthening intuition in mathematical problem solving with scheduled contests. Supported by FWE staff. May not occur every year.
- Musical Grade Level Performances: A variety of music performances are offered throughout the year by the music teachers.
- Newcomers Network/Orientation: Newcomers Orientation is held just prior to “Meet the Teacher,” the Friday before school starts. A “buddy program” is in place to help match new Frostwood families with returning families to help new families learn about the school community. These families check in periodically through the year.
- The Paw Print: Principal's newsletter that will be sent monthly or more frequently as needed.
- PAWS: Positive Actions and Words Seen. Students and staff on campus encouraging positive behavior as outlined by Frostwood in the hallway, cafeteria, playground, programs and dismissal.
- Planet Picnic Day: School wide picnic on Earth Day when parents can come to school to eat with their children outside on campus using earth friendly lunches, such as reusable containers, napkins, etc.
- Portfolio Day: Opportunity for students to show off their school work and accomplishments to parents at school. Includes taking a "portfolio" and finding a quiet place on campus to sit together and go through it. Held in the spring.
- PTA: Great way to get involved and learn more about your school. This is an annual membership.
Red Ribbon Week: An alcohol, tobacco and other drug and violence prevention awareness campaign observed annually in October in the United States. Includes themed days for students.
- Reflections: Annual PTA arts program that starts in the fall, and invites students to use their creativity and talents to submit a form of art that focuses on an annual theme.
- Run, Walk, Bike to School Day: Occasional days of the year will be declared a run, walk or bike to school day which encourages students and families to commute to and from school this way as part of a healthy lifestyle.
- School Store: Located on the PTA website. Provides a place to purchase school items and spirit wear.
- Sister School Solution: Housman Elementary and Cedar Brook Elementary are our Sister School that we work with and help provide support throughout the year.
- Spelling Bee: Annual event for Frostwood students to compete.
- Spirit Wear/Spirit Day: Spirit wear is created each year and sold on the school store. Fridays are traditionally Frostwood Spirit Days, so wear your PURPLE!
- Spring Book Swap: Annual event held in March/April where students can "donate" their used books and "swap" with other students for "new" books to read!
- Staff Appreciation: We love supporting our staff with monthly luncheons/events, and a Teacher Appreciation Week.
- TAPS/Patrols: 5th Grade students serve as campus helpers through service in carpool, bus lines, assistance in the front office, raising the flag, and more. They are supervised by FWE staff.
- Tiger Tales: PTA email newsletter sent weekly, which allows you to receive important announcements from FWE.
- Wednesday College Spirit Day: Frostwood teachers, staff and student body dress in college spirit wear to help promote upper level education. This sometimes is done weekly or monthly. What college will you choose to represent?
- Western Day: Annual event held in February that works closely with Health Fitness teachers to provide grade level western themed dances and decorations. Parents get to join in on the fun as they try a two-step or fun line dance. Get those boots and hats ready!
- Yearbook: Annual yearbook is created and sold by the Yearbook committee. Online option to submit pictures for the yearbook.
- Young Author Visits: Authors and illustrators get to visit Frostwood campus and meet with the students.
- 100 Day: Annual event on the 100th Day of school. The Kindergarten class creates a Tshirt with "100" things on it to celebrate the big day of completing 100 days of school. This day is made fun by a great "100 Day Parade" around the school, and lots of fun activities in their classroom.
- 101 Day: Annual event on the 101st Day of school. The Kindergarten and 1st grade classes dress up like they are 101 years old to celebrate the 101st day of school. Get those costumes ready.
- 5th Grade BizTown: Annual event in the spring that combines in-class learning with a day-long visit to a simulated town. This allows students to operate banks, manage restaurants, write checks, and vote for mayor. A day in the "real world" for 5th Grade.
- 5th Grade Colonial Day: Annual event in the fall celebrating the traditions and heritage of Colonial Day. Get those colonial day costumes ready and be prepared for a colonial day lunch.
- 5th Grade DARE Program: FWE staff, PTA and Officer Miller work together on DARE. DARE is a nationwide program created to reduce drug-taking, gangs, and violence among young people.
- 5th Grade Graduation & Party: FWE staff, PTA and parents work together to create a Farewell to Frostwood graduation and celebration at the end of the year.
School Calendar
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Tuesday, March 18
- Thursday, March 20
- Friday, March 21
- Monday, March 24
- Tuesday, March 25
District Calendars
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Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors