Learn the Ins and Outs of FWE Carpool!
Students may arrive beginning at 7:30 a.m and instruction starts promptly at 7:55 a.m. We ask that no students arrive on campus prior to 7:30 a.m. as no staff is available to supervise them and we want to ensure our students are safe.
Frostwood strives to have a safe and efficient carpool line. We realize many are in a hurry in the morning, but we require you to follow a few rules to protect our students: No cell phone use. (STATE LAW) Enter on Plantation Road. Students stay in cars and exit only at the front of the building when our staff are present. Keep our carpool line safe and friendly.
You may park in the Memorial Drive parking lot during school hours. The Gessner Road lot is reserved for teachers and staff. The Gessner Road lot also serves SBISD buses and daycare buses. Please do not use this lot for student drop off or pick up without permission from campus administration. Parking in the front Memorial Drive lot and walking your child into the school is not permitted as this disrupts the flow of the carpool line causing a traffic jam and does not promote student independence. If you need to park with your child and come in for a conference, please alert the front office and wait until after 8 am to leave campus to ensure the carpool line is complete.
Students arriving by bus are unloaded on the Gessner side of campus in the bus circle by the gym. Information on bus routes and approximate pick-up times are located on the Spring Branch ISD Transportation website at
Memorial Forest Club (MFC) Walkers (Plantation & Memorial): Walkers arriving from the Plantation Road and Memorial Drive stop light should cross with the crossing guard at Plantation and Memorial. Then, they should follow the sidewalk along Memorial to the front of the school. Walkers should never cross the parking lot in front of the school.
Gessner Walkers (Corner of Gessner & Memorial): Walkers arriving from the Gessner Road and Memorial Drive stop light should cross at Gessner and Memorial with the crossing guard. Then, they should walk along Memorial to the diagonal sidewalk to the Gessner (west) side entrance near the bike racks.
Plantation Walkers: Walkers arriving from Plantation Road and walking along the sidewalk next to the playground should enter the school from the Plantation east side doors near the bike racks.
Bike riders should stay on sidewalks at all times. When on campus, they must walk their bikes to the bike rack. Gessner side rack- enter the building through the Gessner (west) side doors. Plantation side rack- enter the building through the Plantation (east) side doors.
Frostwood Elementary ends at 3:05 p.m. At the beginning of the year, you will provide your teacher with your child’s dismissal procedure. For changes, we ask you provide that information in writing and please send the note with your child. Just emailing the teacher does not guarantee that your email will be read before dismissal time. If there is change during the school day, call the Frostwood office before 2:00 PM. Daycare changes must be reported to the school and the Daycare Facility. Please notify the office when taking a student out of school early. You must be present in order for the teacher to release your child from classroom instruction, so leave ample time. Children will only be released to a parent, guardian, or designee, as indicated in Skyward on the Student Information Form. Be sure to bring your driver’s license for identification when coming to the office for pick up.
Enter on Plantation- northernmost entrance. Please post a sign on your front dashboard indicating the names and grades of the students you are picking up. No cell phone use. Merge with the line. Be kind to other drivers. Be alert and safe. Students waiting in the carpool line will not be dismissed to a parent who walks to the front of the school.
Students leaving by bus are loaded on the Gessner side of our campus. Information on bus routes and approximate drop-off times can be found at the SBISD Transportation Website . For kindergarten parents, please keep in mind an adult must be present at the bus stop and have an SBISD issued BLUE CARD allowing the student to be dismissed to that adult. If an adult is not present or does not have the blue card, your child will remain on the bus and return to campus. Blue cards will be provided by the first day of school.
Students will follow the same route for leaving as arriving. Students are expected to walk and wait until off campus to ride their bikes.
Visitors to Frostwood’s campus should park in the lot at the front of campus along Memorial Drive. For special events, other parking arrangements may be made and will be communicated to parents ahead of time. Cars should not park on Rhett Drive or Tara Drive during arrival and dismissal times out of courtesy to those who live in those homes and need to be able to maneuver in and out of their driveways. Overflow parking is often available in the Memorial Drive Lutheran Church and Memorial Forest Club parking lots across from the school, but please check if you are unsure and always respect their parking space designations. The Frostwood parking lot along Gessner Road is reserved for teachers and staff only.
School Calendar
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Tuesday, March 18
- Thursday, March 20
- Friday, March 21
- Monday, March 24
- Tuesday, March 25
District Calendars
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